- 麦考维正在有条不紊地从那些认为自己的生活被堕胎所毁的妇女中间收集证据,待时机成熟就交给最高法院。
- Mccorvey is methodically gathering testimony from women who say their life was ruined by having had an abortion , to present to the supreme court whenever the time comes .
- 更何况,邓曼说,无论怎样有条不紊地选择细菌最终都将产生针对任何抗生素的耐药性。
- What 's more , says dunman , bacteria will eventually develop resistance against any antibiotic , no matter how methodically selected .
- 但本周,上海警方却井然有序地阻止了抗议人群损坏一处代表日本形象的地方:日本驻上海总领事馆。
- But this week in shanghai , police methodically prevented damage to one image of japan : its local consulate building .