- 这些珍贵的纯天然咖啡豆值得最认真地对待:煮咖啡的玻璃器具进口自日本,设计极为精妙;店员亲手把煮好的咖啡倒入一个个滴滤器;他们使用的咖啡壶壶嘴如此纤细优雅,仿若天鹅的长颈。
- And because the precious organic beans deserve no less , the coffee is brewed in elaborate glass contraptions imported from japan , or slowly hand-poured into individual drip filters , using kettles with spouts as slim and graceful as a swan 's neck .
- 我最爱的饭后甜点之一是一块有机黑巧克力加一杯上等红酒。
- One of my favorite desserts is a piece of dark organic chocolate , along with a glass of a fine red wine .