- 欧洲的一项研究发现,无性生殖生物能够施展一种进化妙计,以适应不断变化的环境,而无需有性生殖中的基因混合。
- A european study has shown that asexual creatures can carry out an evolutionary trick to adapt to changing conditions , without the genetic mixing that occurs in sexual reproduction .
- 促使它们由无性繁殖转向有性繁殖的化学介质就是黄体酮一个在调节人类和其他众多物种生殖和性发育方面起着至关重要的作用的化学分子。
- The chemical mediator for this change from asexual to sexual reproduction turns out to be progesterone -- a simple molecule that also plays a vital role in regulating reproduction and sexual development in humans and many other species .
- 不过雌性的轮虫却能做不寻常的事:它们可以通过自我克隆来进行无性繁殖,当然它们也能通过有性繁殖来制造雄性轮虫。
- But the females of certain rotifer species can do something quite unusual : they can reproduce asexually by creating clones of themselves , or they can initiate a process that allows sexual reproduction by producing male rotifers .