- 这条谚语告诉我们:即使是作恶多端的人,只要诚心悔改,从此以后再不干坏事,就可以成为一个好人。
- This proverb tells us that even an evildoer can become a good person as long as he sincerely repents and earnestly reforms himself .
- 声明中蒙牛“再一次向所有消费者表示致歉”,“我们将认真吸取这一事件的重大教训,在今后的工作中更加严谨细致地执行国家和企业的各项质量和检测标准,在每一个环节上把好质量关”。
- Mengniu " once again would like to sincerely apologize to all consumers , " said the statement . " We should earnestly learn from this lesson and comply with state and company quality and inspection standards with precision and care , making sure our product quality from every sector is approved in the future . "
- 当别人有困难的时候,要诚心诚意尽自己的力量去帮助,决不能只说大话,开空头支票。
- When people have a difficult time we should earnestly and sincerely do their best to help must not just talk big empty promises .