- 在繁荣年份,许多国家能借到更多的钱,条件也比以往任何时候都更加优惠。
- During the boom years , a number of countries were able to borrow more and on more favourable terms than ever before .
- 有些主权财富基金已能凭借比主要基金更优惠的条款,获得了单独账户和个性化资金池。
- Some swfs have been able to push through separate accounts , individualised pools of capital with more favourable terms than the main fund .
- 危机之中,本地公司(通常是本地国有企业)享受优惠待遇的现象更为普遍。
- Favourable treatment of local ( often state-owned ) firms has become more prevalent in the wake of the crisis .
- 举例说,这意味着在生命早期优越性较大的特性更受进化的青睐,即使它们可能会在以后造成伤害也无所谓。
- That means , for example , that traits which are advantageous in early life are favoured , even though they may cause later harm .
- 然而,其他人说尽管完美主义或许在某些情况下是有益的,但它的阴暗面却不可避免的会出现。
- However , others say that while perfectionism might seem to be advantageous in certain situations , it always has a dark side that inevitably rears its head .
- 模棱两可、假传信息、守口如瓶以及其他战术都是最有利地利用有利情况的工具。
- Ambiguity , deception , secrecy and other methods are all tools for maximizing advantageous circumstances .