- 酒吧招待看看他,但是,没有答腔,夜深了,不便谈话。
- The barman looked at him but did not answer . It was too late at night for conversation .
- 由霍普金斯大学的研究人员开展的名为“抑郁症探索和发现”的研究发现,在深夜使用计算机可能是抑郁症的一个诱因,这是因为在深夜暴露于亮光的做法会提升特定应激激素的水平。
- A study carried out by researchers from john hopkins university found that using computers late at night can be a cause of depression due to the exposure to bright light late at night which elevates levels of a certain stress hormone .
- 熬夜看电视或者酗酒这只能得一时之快,它们带来的只会是无尽的疲劳与困倦。
- Staying up late at night watching tv , goofing off or drinking may be fun at the time , but leads to excessive tiredness within classes .