- 蛋白质有着最高的热效应。
- Proteins have the highest thermic effect .
- 这是他应该被给与的最高荣誉。
- It was his highest honorific .
- 内华达州在美国是失业率最高的。
- Nevada has america 's highest unemployment rate .
- 英国有了新的最高法院。
- Britain has a new supreme court .
- 难道美国没有最高法院了么?
- So america has no supreme court ?
- 然后二人上诉到最高法院。
- The men appealed to the supreme court .
- 最高的冰林可以高达12英尺(4米)。
- The tallest penitentes can reach 12 feet ( 4 meters ) high .
- 他们怎么迷路了,在试着寻找这个城市最高的建筑时?
- How could they be lost , trying to find the tallest structure in the city ?
- 然后接着这些学生被问到这种世上最高的红木可能有多高。
- Then the students were asked to estimate the height of the tallest redwood tree in the world .