- 午夜后,华沙斯大林式的地标文化和科学宫在耀眼烟花的印衬下熠熠发光。
- And after midnight the palace of culture and science , warsaw 's stalinist landmark , came alight with dazzling fireworks .
- 小午夜后飞行员降落狭谷避免坠落。
- A little after midnight the pilot landed narrowly aver .
- 在数十万民众于埃及全境同警察发生激战的1月28日午夜之后,穆巴拉克最终以沙哑的嗓音发表讲话,并流露出主人遭拙劣奴仆背叛后的愤怒。
- When he finally spoke , after midnight on january 28th , a day when hundreds of thousands across the breadth of egypt had battled furiously with his police , it was with a husky voice and the petulance of a master betrayed by bungling servants .