- 身体上,他拥有一名高大健美者的外形。
- Physically , he has the contour of a huge body builder .
- 称作“等高线工艺”的流程使用快速设定、想混凝土的材料一层一层地建造家园。
- The process called contour crafting uses a quick-setting concrete-like material that forms the house layer by layer .
- 周围世界的形状能从激光数据仿真得到,因为他们表示周围地区的一组等高线地图。
- The shape of the world pops out easily from laser data because they represent a direct contour map of the surrounding area .
- 我们很少有人希望回到王尔德的伦敦,华丽的外表和野蛮的内心。
- Few of us would wish for the return of wilde 's london , with its opulent surfaces and savage heart .
- 鱼饵通过水使用多种控制面模仿理想情况下陷入困境的猎物。
- Fishing lures use a variety of control surfaces to move through water , ideally mimicking the movement of distressed prey .
- 三角形内角之和小于180度的面,看上去就像是甘蓝的叶子。
- Surfaces on which the sum of angles in a triangle is less than 180 degrees look like leaves of kale .