- 他那时就以户外运动出名,在长短跑,足球,板球,体操,空手道,冰球和骑马方面表现优异,甚于如油画和蜡染等艺术造诣。
- He made himself quite a name in the outdoor education field , excelling at distance and sprint running , soccer , cricket , gymnastics , karate , hockey and horse-riding as well as in more artistic pursuits such as oil painting and batik .
- 公爵夫人最后一次出现在公开场合是上周五,当时她穿着裙子和高跟鞋与一群学童玩场地曲棍球。
- The duchess was last seen in public on friday , playing field hockey with schoolchildren in a skirt and high heels .
- 公爵夫人最后一次出现在公开场合是上周五,当时她穿着裙子和高跟鞋与一群学童玩场地曲棍球。
- The duchess was last seen in public on friday , playing field hockey with schoolchildren in a skirt and high heels .