- 在中世纪,人们认为天空是地球的天蓬,太阳和月亮是在天堂中围绕我们静止的地面运动。
- In the middle ages , the sky was understood to be a celestial canopy above the fixed earth , and the sun and moon were imagined as moving in the heavens over our stationary platform .
- 大师知道后说:“用天地做我的棺椁;日月星辰作我的陪葬;世间万物为我守墓还有什么比这更盛大的葬礼吗?”
- The master heard of this and said , " with the sky and the earth for my coffin ; the sun and moon and stars for my burial regalia ; and all creation to escort me to the grave -- could I desire anything more ceremonious and impressive ? "
- 许多人民热情地相信未来可以由行星的位置占卦和太阳和月亮。
- Many people passionately believe that the future can be divined by the positions of the planets and sun and moon .