- 它在1779年和1827年是暹罗的附属城市,在叛乱中,它被暹罗军队遗弃。
- It had been annexed by siam in 1779 and in 1827 , during a rebellion , it was razed by a siamese army .
- 环境保护人士称在老挝很少有动物园能够孵化出暹罗鳄,当他们大到足够养活自己的时候会被放回到野外
- Environmentalists say rare siam crocodiles have hatched in a zoo in laos and will be released into the wild once they are old enough to fend for themselves
- 西姆瑞坡省的水患,在过去的四周中刚刚平静下来。
- The flood waters from the past 4 weeks in siem reap province have only recently subsided .
- 信息咨询公司加特纳(gartner)的最近报告揭示,2008年用于安全软件的开支上升了18.6%,达到135亿美元;能通过关键字阻止电子邮件和安全违规的安全信息和事务管理(siem)软件增长了50%。
- A recent report from gartner , a consultancy , found that spending on security software rose by 18.6 % to $ 13.5 billion in 2008 . The market for security information and event management software ( siem ) , which can be used to mine e-mails for keywords and security breaches , grew by 50 % according to gartner .
- 地点:暹粒的洞里萨湖以北
- Place : siem reap , north of the tonle sap lake
- 老挝万象外的老挝动物园,一只婴儿暹罗鳄破壳而出。
- A baby siamese crocodile hatches from an egg at the lao zoo outside vientiane , laos .
- 女人抱着一只暹罗猫,还用法语和它讲着话。
- The woman was holding a large siamese cat and speaking to him in french .
- 外界不应该让妇女下意识感到追求平等是件坏事;饥饿并不是女性成功的连体双胞胎。
- Women should not be made to feel subconsciously bad about demanding equality ; starvation is not the siamese twin of female success .