- 它寻求暴露政府的谎言。
- It seeks to expose government lies .
- 在警局当中也暴露了严重的腐败。
- They also expose deep corruption in the department .
- 但它也使拉登暴露在一个大风险下。
- But it did expose bin laden to one big risk .
- 现在该不该去揭示这些不满呢。
- Is it time to reveal these discomforts .
- 然而调查数据显示由于这些其他原因迁移的情况并没增加。
- Yet survey data reveal that moves for these other reasons have not risen .
- 基因组学也许能显示出来芸芸众生在本质上是真正的兄弟姐妹。
- Genomics may reveal that humans really are brothers and sisters under the skin .
- 她还表示:让孩子们看到几个裸露的胸部并没什么大问题。
- She said she couldn 't see a problem with children being exposed to a few bare breasts .
- 装饰感恩节餐桌是一回事,但我们怎能让自家大门光秃秃的。
- Decorating the table is one thing , but don 't leave your door bare .
- 不久,强风和11月份的暴雨将为它们敲响了警钟,树木将被剥离裸露。
- Soon the strong winds and rains of november will take their toll , and the trees will be stripped bare .