- 上面的这张照片所呈现的是2012年1月5日晚在科罗拉州多埃斯蒂斯公园附近所观察到的荚状云的异常现象。
- The photo above showing a phenomenal display of lenticular clouds was observed near estes park , colorado on the evening of january 5 , 2012 .
- 这天晚上,黑咕隆咚的星星和月亮都被灰蒙蒙的雨云盖住了。
- The evening was pitch-dark , stars and the moon were quenched in gray rain-clouds .
- 上面的这张照片所呈现的是2012年1月5日晚在科罗拉州多埃斯蒂斯公园附近所观察到的荚状云的异常现象。
- The photo above showing a phenomenal display of lenticular clouds was observed near estes park , colorado on the evening of january 5 , 2012 .