- 我想到了历史,以及斯芬克斯之谜:什么东西早晨用四条腿走路,中午用两条腿走路,晚上用三条腿走路?
- I thought about history , and the riddle of the sphinx : what goes on four legs in the morning , on two legs at noon , and on three legs in the evening ?
- 上午四节课,下午又四节课,晚上三个小时的自习,如此循环往复。
- In the morning they have four classes , in the afternoon another four classes and in the evening three hours for self-study and so on and so on .
- 我想到了历史,以及斯芬克斯之谜:什么东西早晨用四条腿走路,中午用两条腿走路,晚上用三条腿走路?
- I thought about history , and the riddle of the sphinx : what goes on four legs in the morning , on two legs at noon , and on three legs in the evening ?