- 他们应该害怕气候大灾难,他们采取行动的时间已经很紧了。
- They ought to fear climate catastrophe and they are running out of time to act .
- 布朗说,欧洲银行普遍极度缺乏资本,如果投资者同时提现,银行将面临没有足够现金可供支付从而破产的危险。
- Brown said that european banks are dramatically undercapitalized , putting them in danger of running out of cash and going bankrupt if investors demand their deposits at the same time .
- 我担心我们的时间快到了,但他让我放心,说时间到了公关人员会过来接他。
- I am concerned we are running out of time but he reassures me that his publicist will come to collect him when our time is up .
- 什么时候跑步会变得容易些?
- When does running get easier ?
- 那次悲剧事件发生了十年之后,它仍在运转。
- Ten years after the tragic accident there , it was still running .
- 相反,它对那些能够保持经济运转的小部分银行实施了救助。
- Instead it rescued the bits needed to keep the economy running .