- 一个在炎热的夏天赤裸着腰部无家可归的男人在一个男孩和一个女孩接吻着走过他时,弹奏着空气吉他。
- A homeless man , bare to the waist in the summer heat , strumming an air guitar as a boy and a girl pass by smooching .
- 这是一条很长的,在这个炎热的夏天里只有林荫的大道,而没有帝国的宝藏。
- It was a long , covered causeway offering only shade in the summer heat instead of an empire 's treasures .
- 一年中最热,酷热多雨,暑易伤津耗气,易中暑及食欲不振,避免暴晒。
- Hottest time of the year , many rains , take yin-nourishing food to avoid summer heat hearts body fluids , prevent heatstroke and inappetence , light food and enough rest .