- 他将享受美好的时光。
- He 'll have a wonderful time .
- 一次教一个单词。
- Teach a word at a time .
- 校园里太多的空闲时光?
- Too much free time on campus ?
- 日晷上显示的时间非常精确。
- A sundial showed very precise time .
- 日晷测量每天太阳跨过天空的运动。
- A sundial measures the movement of the sun across the sky each day .
- 而在北边的亚历山大城,日晷会投下一个影子,因为在正午太阳并不在头顶正上方。
- Yet , to the north at alexandria , a sundial cast a shadow even at the solstice midday , because the sun was not directly overhead there .