- 尼尔森杰克比和同事们首先计算出这种晶格的傅里叶变换从而得到了它的倒晶格。
- Nilsson jacobi and colleagues first calculated the fourier transform of the lattice , which gives its reciprocal lattice .
- 在降温后,该点阵能够把氧气从包括水和二氧化碳等物质的周边化学元素中分离出来。
- When cooled the lattice strips oxygen from surrounding chemicals , including water and co2 in the reactor .
- engheta和vakil的研究展示了如何运用石墨薄膜(单原子厚度的碳原子点阵)来实现变换光学。
- Engheta and vakil 's research shows how transformation optics might now be achieved using graphene , a lattice of carbon a single atom thick .