- 彗发还伸出一个短而粗的尘埃尾。
- The coma also sports a short , stubby , dust tail .
- 为了不让他因为疼痛而休克,医生们不得不把他诱导之昏迷状态。
- Doctors had to put mr kashin into an induced coma to avoid a pain shock .
- 50岁的杰克逊,因心脏骤停,被送往医院已处于昏迷状态。
- Jackson , 50 , went into cardiac arrest and was rushed to hospital in a coma .
- 此等级别的肥胖也会导致睡眠窒息症(非正常呼吸,睡着时),转而,白天嗜睡犯迷糊。
- Obesity on such a scale can also induce sleep apnoea ( abnormal breathing while asleep ) which , in turn , leads to daytime drowsiness and befuddlement .