- 她迟到了45分钟。
- She arrived 45 minutes late .
- 很显然,他上班要迟到了。
- Clearly he was late for work .
- 巴西开始重视教育比较晚。
- Brazil began its education late .
- 一个叫艾迪英格拉姆的孩子.
- A kid named eddie ingram .
- 你告诉他,你、麦克和艾迪的生死取决于他.
- You tell him that you , michael and eddie are all depending on him .
- 就在这时,艾迪的母亲纳塔莉亚像和风一样出现了,她耐心十足地为我翻译入境和海关表格,教我应当怎样填写。
- But then eddie 's mother natalia breezed into the compartment , patiently translated my immigration and customs forms and told me what to write .