- 也许他是对的:只要税率不涨,一些共和党的权贵明显有接受新税收收入政策的倾向。
- He may be right : certainly some republican bigwigs are edging towards accepting new tax revenues , as long as tax rates do not rise .
- 而卡梅伦先生,他深知管理权贵小圈子之外要人的必要,并已邀请国会议员,失望的议会候选人和地方的政府候选人到唐宁街接受招待,让他们有当上高官的幻觉。
- Mr cameron , he says , is acutely conscious of the need to manage bigwigs outside this charmed circle , and has invited mps , disappointed parliamentary candidates and local-government types to a string of downing street receptions , sprinkling them with the stardust of high office .
- 一旦地方权贵可以将承包合同奖励给他们自己控制的企业,贪污就会像禽流感一样蔓延开。
- When local bigwigs can award contracts to firms which they themselves control , graft spreads like bird flu .
- 我们要求所有的人都遵守革命法制,并不是只要你民主人士守法。
- We require everybody , and not just the democratic personages , to respect the revolutionary legal system .
- 加上超可爱的角色人物。
- Add ultra and lovely role personages .
- 少年小说对成长中的孩子有莫大的影响力,尤其是小说里的人物更是他们仿效的对象。
- The juvenile novel has greatest influence on the growing child , especially the personages in the novel , which are the target they imitate .
- 这些邮件有一点引起了我的注意,那就是每封邮件页眉上写的口号:“构建显赫”。
- One thing caught my eye about the e-mails . And that was the slogan " building eminence " written across the top of each .
- 人类一切文化和精神的卓越成就都是以资本积累为其前提条件的。
- All the cultural and spiritual eminence of man is conditioned by the accumulation of capital .
- 他也明白,我若是在官僚机构的你争我夺中败绩过多的话,也是不能够这样出人头地的。
- He understood that I had not reached eminence by losing too many bureaucratic battles .