- 为了欢迎来访的贵宾,在华盛顿特区的街道两旁悬挂国旗是礼节性的惯例。
- The flags are a common courtesy on the streets of washington d.c. for visiting dignitaries .
- 他开玩笑地将当地贸易组织办公室里挂着的前达官贵人的照片,描述为“耻辱之墙正是这群人毁了这个行业”。
- He facetiously describes the pictures of former dignitaries displayed at the offices of a local trade body as " the wall of shame - all the people who have dragged the industry down " .
- 照片和视频显示,金正日从专列中走出来,走过红地毯,与俄罗斯显贵人士打招呼。
- The photos and video showed mr. kim exit from his train on a red carpet and greet russian dignitaries .
- 他逐渐变成了一个相当重要的人物。
- Gradually he was becoming quite a personage .
- 你可以咨询一下专业人士。
- You can seek advice from professional personage .
- 他是一位伟大的历史人物。
- He was a great and historical personage .