- 我每天按计划进行了吗?
- Did my day go as planned ?
- 阴影可以用来辨识白天的时间。
- Shadows can indicate the time of day .
- 毕业是高兴的日子。
- Graduation is a happy day .
- 使半夜的喂奶和白天的喂奶相比,显得短暂而无趣。
- Make middle-of-the-night feedings brief and boring compared to daytime feedings .
- 而利用夜间充裕的能源以消除日间高峰的做法也是可行的。
- Using plentiful night-time energy to iron out daytime peaks can work , too .
- 这位日间访谈节目女王将在奥普拉温弗莉网络电视频道推出新的晚间节目。
- Daytime talk queen is moving show to a night slot on new oprah winfrey network cable channel .
- 它们看不到日光,一直到被送去屠宰。
- They don 't see daylight until they are shipped for slaughter .
- 其实我们只需要更有效地利用现有的白昼时间。
- We could just make more effective use of the daylight we have .
- 天已经亮时我们还在睡觉,因此对白昼的利用不够充分。
- We sleep when it is light , and hence use daylight inefficiently .