- 随着震后重建工作在官方的昏睡,救援款项缓慢支出,霍乱横行和政治真空出现的情况下进展缓慢,海地人没什么可以庆祝的。
- With post-earthquake reconstruction sputtering amid official lethargy , the slow disbursal of aid , a cholera epidemic and a political vacuum , haitians have had little to celebrate .
- 我担心同样的冷漠也存在于我们对自己所有官能和意识的使用上。
- The same lethargy , I am afraid , characterizes the use of our faculties and senses .
- 还有许多关于其他哺乳动物和大量种类的鸟类的报告表明,在失去相爱的另一半时有悲痛的行为特征:昏睡、冷漠和食欲减退。
- There are many accounts of other mammals and birds of a variety of species showing the behavioral hallmarks of grief from loss of a loved one : lethargy disinterest decreased appetite .
- 正如他们需要一个漫长的过渡进入催眠状态,他们也要花点时间从催眠中苏醒。
- Just as they need a lengthy transition to go into trance , they take a bit of time to emerge from it .
- 北平原节的集体仪式上,一位巫毒教的祭司绕着一位神智恍惚的信徒打转
- A voodoo priest walks around a believer in a trance during a mass ritual at the plaine du nord festival
- 当他以某种规律击鼓吟唱时,一些听众会受其引导而出神。
- When he drums and chants in a certain sequence , some of his listeners are lulled into a trance .
- 一只手在他肩膀上把他从睡梦中摇醒。
- A hand on his shoulder shakes him from sleep .
- 尽可能避免白天睡觉。
- Avoid daytime sleep if possible .
- 睡觉是件美好的事儿。
- Sleep is a beautiful thing .