- 但即使是微弱的希望也总比没有强。
- But faint hope is better than none .
- 门厅里出现了一丝微弱的蜡烛的光亮。
- The faint light of a candle appeared in the hall .
- 她第一次试的时候,琳达测出了一条粉红线条和一条模糊的半粉红线条。
- The first time she tried , linda got one pink strip and one faint , half-pink strip .
- 由此可以认为,上证综指近期的颓势,甚至对于其它新兴市场股市来说都算不上什么征兆,更遑论那些发达经济体的股市。
- It could therefore be argued that the shanghai composite 's recent swoon is not even a portent for other emerging market equities , let alone those of more developed economies .
- 所有这些工程所制造的突破性会让机器人专家晕厥过去:r2能够通过一片柔韧的材料使用双手来工作。
- One result of all of this engineering is the kind of breakthrough only a roboticist would swoon over : r2 can use both hands to work with a piece of flexible material .
- 奥巴马试图避免给选民以这个印象,但他在国会的盟友、那些每当听到他说“百万与亿万富翁”就激动不已的人则不会。
- Mr obama tries to avoid giving that impression , but his allies in congress , who swoon every time he says " millionaires and billionaires " , do not .