- 楚雄西山公园茶花园位于峨碌山麓,园内定植云南山茶花100余种1000多株,按楚雄、高黎贡山、洱海、滇池分片区收集名品茶花定植,是集品种收集、观赏为一体的城市公园。
- Camellia garden of chuxiong western hills located on the piedmont of elu mountain , the garden has more than 100 species and 1000 camellias reticulate field-planted here according to the regional division of chuxiong , gaoligong mountain , erhai lake and dianchi lake , and it 's an integrated city park with species collection and ornamental planting .
- 楚雄西山公园茶花园位于峨碌山麓,园内定植云南山茶花100余种1000多株,按楚雄、高黎贡山、洱海、滇池分片区收集名品茶花定植,是集品种收集、观赏为一体的城市公园。
- Camellia garden of chuxiong western hills located on the piedmont of elu mountain , the garden has more than 100 species and 1000 camellias reticulate field-planted here according to the regional division of chuxiong , gaoligong mountain , erhai lake and dianchi lake , and it 's an integrated city park with species collection and ornamental planting .
- 在滇池地区,工程地质性质较差的软土尤其是泥炭土,它分布较为广泛。
- In the Dianchi Lake Basin , the soft soil which is the poor of Engineering geological nature , especially the peaty soil distributes widely .