- 当某人开始用侮辱性字眼大声叫骂时,你要抬头挺胸,保持坚强。
- When someone starts hurling derogatory comments at you , hold your head high and stay strong .
- 女士们,先生们,请别高昂着头,否则你的头可能撞倒突出的钟乳石上。
- Please , ladies and gentlemen , do not hold your head high , or you might knock your head against some protruding stalactite .
- 法官会怀疑这是一种报复性行为,因此昂首保持体面的做法要好得多。”
- Judges will take a dim view of vindictive behaviour , so it 's far better to hold your head up high and retain the civilized high ground . "