- 一场变革正在酝酿。
- Change is in the air .
- 但即便是那些认为变革即将到来的人们,也想知道这种约束机制能持续多久。
- But even those who believe change is in the air wonder how long the restraint will last .
- 本文主要是在讨论椭圆球体在空气中做旋转运动,利用改变空气与椭圆球体摩擦系数,来观察椭圆球体从水平面到垂直面运动情形。
- This thesis is discussing the oval spheroid and making rotatory sports in the air mainly , utilize and change the air and oval coefficient of friction of spheroid , the situation that to observe the oval spheroid and move from horizontal plane to vertical plane .