- 同时,各地税务机关退税部门应在内部设置专职岗位,负责出口企业备案单证的日常检查工作。
- At the same time , the tax refund department of each tax bureau shall set up a full-time post interiorly that is in charge of the daily examination of the documents for record filing for export enterprises .
- 当你采取这五个步骤时,如果用日记的形式记下你的想法,经验和观察会更加有效。
- As you go through these five steps , jotting down your thoughts , experiences and observations in a journal or daily record may help you use these steps more effectively .
- 不过歌谣本是人们在生活中随兴而发的东西,上古时代也没有保存和记载它们的手段,因之也就很快湮灭,不留痕迹。
- However , ballads were what people improvised out of daily life , and due to lack of means to record and preserve them in ancient times , they quickly disappeared without leaving much of a trace .
- 在日记中记录你的发现。
- Record your findings in your journal .
- 这篇研究发表在《自然》期刊中。
- The study is in the journal nature .
- 这些研究结果发表在《睡眠》期刊上。
- The findings are in the journal sleep .