- 也许未来精心准备的远见观察和聪明的演绎推理会解开这个谜一样的小精灵的真正起源。
- Perhaps well-chosen future observations and clever deductive reasoning will unlock the true origin of this enigmatic wisp in the future .
- 也许未来精心准备的远见观察和聪明的演绎推理会解开这个谜一样的小精灵的真正起源。
- Perhaps well-chosen future observations and clever deductive reasoning will unlock the true origin of this enigmatic wisp in the future .
- 一份期货合约规定交易双方必须在将来某一时间以双方协商约定的价格,买方购买,卖方出售一定量的资产。
- A future obligates one party to buy and another to sell a specified asset in the future at a price agreed on today .
- 计划和调查研究是非常重要没有错,但有时你必须行动起来。
- Obviously , planning and research does play an important role but you have to take off sometime .
- 他说,男性伴侣出现在产房给产妇造成的伤害有时是长期的。
- The damage caused by a male partner 's presence in the labour suite was sometime long-term , he said .
- 沃尔考博士称,如果医学界一时半会儿还接受不了成瘾症是一种慢性病的观点,可能是因为有时医生们不太了解大脑的功能。
- If the idea of addiction as a chronic disease has been slow to take hold in medical circles , it could be because doctors sometime struggle to grasp brain function , dr. volkow said .