- 这种“渺小恐惧症”只能通过超脱于有限的个人成就的强烈的个人和文化认同感来克服。
- The fear of insignificance can only be overcome through strong individual and cultural identity over and above measurable achievement .
- 现在的全球经济衰退与过去的战争和瘟疫相比显得无足轻重。
- The current global recession pales into insignificance when compared with past wars and plagues .
- 科学使人理性地看到人类的骄傲,爱情让人体味到人与人之间的美好,哲学则使人感慨人自身的渺小。
- Science enables man to see sensibly the pride of mankind , love to experience the joy between man and woman , and philosophy to perceive the insignificance of an individual .