- 他勇敢无畏,面对自己毫无经验的工作岗位,他欣然上任。
- He is fearless , cheerfully taking on a job he has little experience of .
- 无所畏惧、支配欲强的人通常都是魅力和邋遢的矛盾统一体。
- Fearless and dominant people are often a paradoxical mix of charm and nastiness .
- 挑选她饰演理查德二世是导演本尼迪克特安德鲁斯的大胆尝试,这位无所畏惧的导演年仅36岁。
- Casting her as richard ii was the bold idea of the director , the fearless 36-year-old benedict andrews .
- 一向以勇敢的大嘴而自称的克里斯蒂(christie)或许也应该在隔壁州做出同样的事情才行。
- Christie , who fancies himself a dauntless brawler , should do the same in the state next door .
- 英国最大且最具威力的防空驱逐舰之一“无畏号”已驶向福克兰群岛。
- Hms dauntless , one of the uk 's largest and most powerful air defence destroyers , has set sail for the falkland islands .
- 凭借着不屈不挠的毅力、俄罗斯该成为什么的敏锐眼光以及体现俄罗斯母亲之精神的意识,普京使俄罗斯重归世界地图。
- With dauntless persistence , a sharp vision of what russia should become and a sense that he embodied the spirit of mother russia , putin has put his country back on the map .