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- But mr. libi was not there .
- 但libi并不在那里。
- Pakistanought , by rights , to have cheered the news too . After all , mr libi had called upon pakistani muslims to rise up against the civilian and military establishment .
- 按理来说,巴基斯坦也应当为这个消息而感到振奋,毕竟libi曾经号召所有的巴基斯坦穆斯林联合起来破坏民用以及军用设施。
- Instead , mr libi 's presumed death only deepened the rift between two supposed allies .
- 然而,利比的既定死亡却使本该成为盟友的巴美两国分歧更加深化。
- After all , mr libi had called upon pakistani muslims to rise up against the civilian and military establishment .
- 按理说,巴基斯坦也应为此而欢呼雀跃,毕竟利比也曾号召穆斯林们起来反抗民用及军用机构。
- Mr libi , a libyan ideologue , had been on the run since 2005 , thumbing his nose at the americans since his escape from one of their jails in afghanistan .
- 利比是利比亚政论家,自2005年成功从美国在阿富汗的监狱中越狱后,一直过着逃亡生活。
- Mr zawahiri , a dour egyptian , has struggled to adapt al-qaeda 's message to the arab spring , whereas the more charismatic mr libi has been restricted to putting out the occasional video on militant websites .
- 扎瓦希里,一位沉郁的埃及人,努力使基地组织的信息适应阿拉伯之春,而更具魅力的利比则只能往军事网站上发发临时视频。