- 但监督机构仅指出了几个行政失误的个案,也没有任何一家组织宣告投票结果无效。
- But monitors noted only a few isolated cases of administrative errors , and none of the organizations declared the vote invalid .
- 美国最高法院一致通过对两项无效专利的裁决,其中包括确定适当的药物剂量的一种方法。
- In a unanimous ruling the us supreme court has rendered invalid two patents covering a method for determining proper drug dosage .
- 8月21日,宪法法院宣布,7月29日关于弹劾巴塞库斯的公民投票无效。
- On august 21st the constitutional court declared invalid a referendum on mr basescu 's impeachment that was held on july 29th .
- 对已经简要介绍了被称为典型工程的特殊读者的许多问题,其中发现,什么必须表示,以避免无效一切必要的指示的进一步资料。
- For further information on the many points already briefly described the reader is referred to the special canonical works , wherein are found all necessary directions as to what must be expressed so as to avoid nullity .
- 当我们想到生命与文明的无休止的成长与衰落,我们就无可避免地感受到绝对虚无。
- When we think of the unending growth and decay of life and civilizations , we cannot escape the impression of absolute nullity .
- 在文学上,粗俗的话总比空话强,就好比葡萄酒比蒸馏水好喝一样.
- In literature , vulgarity is preferable to nullity , just as grocer 's port is preferable to distilled water .