- 那些人内心的声音无意间就会跟批评自己的家长或者别人的声音相吻合,而他们的意见对自己很重要。
- And , like steve , people sometimes unintentionally model their inner voice after a critical parent or someone else whose opinion is important to them .
- 比如说,可以用来发现网站部署的javascript是否有无意的数据泄漏。
- For example , it could be used to discover what data leaks unintentionally from web sites that employ javascript , they say .
- 在达沃斯,那些不相信美国有意用通货膨胀冲销债务的人担心这一切无意间就会发生。
- At davos , those who trusted the united states not to inflate away its debt intentionally worried that it might happen unintentionally .