- 关于非物质的物体是如何工作的我知道的很少。
- I know very little about how immaterial objects are supposed to work .
- 新东方周二在一份声明中说,它允许第三方提供的情侣在其名称中的小众节目,但这些方案都无关紧要到其业务从未包括其学校数。
- New oriental said in a statement thursday that it allows third parties to offer a couple of niche programs in its name , but those programs are immaterial to its business and have never been included in its count of schools .
- 不过词句要比砖块难以捉摸,阅读要比看更费时、更复杂。
- But words are more impalpable than bricks , reading is a longer and more complicated process than seeing .
- 那时,我还是孩子,曾这样写到:肖邦的音乐就象被窝一样舒服,又如一把无形的剑,直抵我的心。
- I was a child then , I wrote : chopin 's piano is as comfortable as my bed , as it an impalpable sword goes straight to my heart .
- 倘若我们首先考虑怎样读小说,那么,一部小说中的32章就是企图创造出像一座建筑物那样既有形式又能控制的东西,不过词句要比砖块难以捉摸,阅读要比看更费时、更复杂。
- The thirty two chapters of a novel - if we consider how to read a novel first - are an attempt to make so mething as formed and controlled as a building : but words are more impalpable th an bricks , reading is a longer and more complicated process than seeing .