- 慢性疼痛是一种无形的痛苦症状。
- Chronic pain is an invisible and agonizing symptom .
- 她有过那无形而实在的体验。
- She has crossed that invisible but solid line .
- 这像是吴与她老公间的无形纽带。
- It felt like an invisible tether linking wu to her husband .
- 每一个人物真实的工人和虚拟的那些都令人感动至深。
- The individual characters -- the real workers and those who are fictitious -- are profoundly moving .
- 她在这部电影中设置一个虚拟游戏,并规定最终的荣誉是成为“终极英雄”。
- Her film sets up a fictitious game show for which the prize is to become the ' ultimate hero ' .
- 但是,在观看之前研究人员向他们展示了一个虚拟公司的logo,并给他们300美金作为参与费。
- But first , subjects were shown the logo of a fictitious company that would be giving them $ 300 for participating .