- 假象在每一个可变的加权值中。
- The trick is in weighting each variable .
- 这是一个真正的独立变量。
- It is a truly independent variable .
- 但如现代灵长类动物显示,这种暴力行为是可变的。
- But as modern primates reveal , the violence was probably variable .
- 无常是多麽奇妙啊!他对高玉芳说。
- How wonderful impermanence is , he told cao ngoc phuong .
- 所以,为什么我们要拒绝这千变万化的宇宙中的无常,当它来到我们身边时?
- So why then do we reject the impermanence of the ever-changing universe when it comes to our own lives ?
- 身处困境时,既要全神贯注地解决问题,也要身心放松,驾驭无常的世事。
- During difficult times , be committed to resolving problems , but also lighten up and ride the waves of impermanence .
- 无常是多麽奇妙啊!他对高玉芳说。
- How wonderful impermanence is , he told cao ngoc phuong .
- 所以,为什么我们要拒绝这千变万化的宇宙中的无常,当它来到我们身边时?
- So why then do we reject the impermanence of the ever-changing universe when it comes to our own lives ?
- 身处困境时,既要全神贯注地解决问题,也要身心放松,驾驭无常的世事。
- During difficult times , be committed to resolving problems , but also lighten up and ride the waves of impermanence .
- hiv研究过程中最棘手的麻烦之一,是这种病毒极其强大的变异能力。
- One of the most vexing problems in hiv research is the virus 's extreme mutability .
- 但事实上,变化即包含在定在的概念自身之内,而变化只不过是定在的潜在本性的表现罢了。
- But the fact is , mutability lies in the notion of existence , and change is only the manifestation of what it implicitly is .