- 如今占领运动已进入第二个月,全国各地的抗议者正面临着一个微妙的问题:这场运动意在向所有人敞开怀抱,但如何管理队伍中众多的流浪汉呢?
- As the occupy movement enters its second month , protesters around the nation are facing a delicate question for a movement that aims to be all-inclusive : how to manage a large number of homeless among them .
- 除非奇迹出现,要不我在1月份便将无家可归,没有食物,也没有工作。
- Unless a miracle happened I would be homeless in january foodless jobless .
- 除非奇迹出现,要不在1月份便将无家可归,没有食物,也没有工作。
- Unless a miracle happened , I would be homeless in january , foodless , jobless .