- 四川地震使5百万人无家可归。
- The quake also left 5m people homeless .
- 弗兰尼对无家可归者所做的实验!
- Franny 's experiment in homeless men !
- 可以是喂喂公园里的小鸟或松鼠,也可以是给无家可归的人买一个三明治。
- It might be feeding birds or squirrels in the park or buying a sandwich for a homeless person .
- 很多年以来,无家可归者的问题一直是英国重要的社会问题。
- The problem of homelessness has been central to social policy in britain for years .
- 这是一个关于解决美国长期性游民的计划的文章。
- This is a story about a plan to end chronic homelessness in the united states .
- 作为一个社会,我们有足够的财富,因此没有人应该由于一次急诊而流离失所、饥肠辘辘。
- We have enough wealth as a society that no one should ever be just one medical or dental emergency away from homelessness or hunger .