- 2000年之前的18年,股票和债券达到了空前高涨的牛市。
- The 18 years to 2000 witnessed an unparalleled bull market for shares and bonds .
- 快速的商务交易和空前无比的信息获取量正在改变用户的购物习惯和期待值。
- Rapid business transactions and unparalleled access to information is changing consumer behavior and expectations .
- 自彼得大帝时代以来,这些根本性改革的范围,在俄国历史上是空前的。
- The scope of these fundamental reforms was unparalleled in russian history since the time of peter the great .
- 走你自己独一无二的路。
- Follow your own unique path .
- 发现的动力是独特的。
- The thrill of discovery is unique .
- 每一种味道都是独一无二的。
- Each flavor was totally unique .
- 他们的满足感来自于车子无与伦比的美感和它卓越的性能;这些元素也表现出了他们的个性特点。
- Their satisfaction comes from the car 's incomparable aesthetics and superior engineering ; and that these elements are an expression of their own personal characteristics .
- 存在着三样不一样的事情:演说,我现在就在演说;写作,让我获得这个无与伦比的奖项,不管我是否名副其实;以及做人,做一个团结他人、积极进取的人。
- These are three different things : speaking , what I am doing now ; writing , what gives me whatever claim I have to this incomparable prize , and being , being a person who believes in active solidarity with others .
- 只专于肖像的壁画给予它无与伦比的美丽。
- The murals that concentrate only on icons give an incomparable beauty to it .