- 但是一个晶格无法通过旋转或平移变换成另一个晶格。
- However , one lattice cannot be transformed into the other by rotation or translation .
- 该机构从全球各地收集地球自转的测量值,并取其平均数。
- It collects and averages measurements of the earth 's rotation from around the world .
- 地球在不停地自转和公转,同时地壳内部也在不停地变化。
- Earth 's rotation and keep the revolution , while the crust is constantly changing internal .
- 顺时针旋转文字45度。
- Rotate the text 45 degrees clockwise .
- 2013年,新一批投票成员将轮换进入fomc,但他们不太可能改变fomc的行为方式。
- New voting members will rotate on to the fomc in 2013 but they are unlikely to change its behaviour much .
- 更糟的是,阿军已精疲力竭,他们在前线得不到轮换:其参军后已连续不断地战斗了三年。
- They do not rotate out of the front line : soldiers fight without a break for the three years they are enlisted .
- 如果你旋转一个物体,它就会有一个角动量。
- If you spin an object , it will have angular momentum .
- 巨磁电阻的产生是因为每一个电子带有一个特定方向的自旋。
- Gmr arises because each electron carries a spin that points in a specific direction .
- 比如,按照理论预测,该粒子的自旋应该为零。
- For example , the theory predicts it will have a spin of zero .
- 革命是广泛而自发的。
- The revolution is broad and spontaneous .
- 每次革命都是一次惊奇。
- Every revolution is a surprise .
- 你们已经赢得了你们的革命。
- You have won your revolution .