- 观测显示,氧元素和铁元素充满着星系的中心而非边缘,这说明,螺旋星系包括仙女座星云和我们的银河系的巨大的主盘,是由内而外形成的。
- The observations show that oxygen and iron abound at the centre of the galaxy but not at its edge , which suggests spiral galaxies including andromeda and our own milky way formed their giant discs of stars from the inside out .
- 观测显示,氧元素和铁元素充满着星系的中心而非边缘,这说明,螺旋星系包括仙女座星云和我们的银河系的巨大的主盘,是由内而外形成的。
- The observations show that oxygen and iron abound at the centre of the galaxy but not at its edge , which suggests spiral galaxies including andromeda and our own milky way formed their giant discs of stars from the inside out .
- 另外,去年有其他天文学家报告称在一个更远的星系中发现了较大的金属丰度梯度,但那个星系不是螺旋星系,所以它与银河系的关系就没有那么明确了。
- In addition , last year other astronomers reported a steep metallicity gradient in an even farther galaxy , but that galaxy is not a spiral , so its relevance to the milky way is less clear .