- 我从中听不出任何旋律、节奏或是和谐悦耳之音。
- I could make no melody , harmony , rhythm out of it .
- 去融化爱,就像一条正在奔流的小溪哼唱着自己的旋律直到晚上。
- To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night .
- 我突然意识到在脑海里环绕的那首旋律像坏了的唱片终于停下来了。
- And I suddenly realized the melody that had been spinning in my head like a broken record had finally ceased .
- 我只是你生命中的一段插曲,但我会用我的双手弹奏出优美的旋律!
- I am just an episode in your life , but I will play the graceful cantus by my hands .
- 民族唱法与美声唱法之间有着不可分割的联系。
- There are inalienable connections between national singing style and bel canto .
- 诗歌开始的篇章;开头的韵文。
- The beginning canto of the poem ; the first verse .
- 巧借篇章连接词,提高英语阅读效率。
- Borrow canto conjunction to raise english to read efficiency opportunely .