- 这家打捞公司或许觉得这次百年纪念是“泰坦尼克市场”的顶级盛事,因此本身也希望捞一笔钱。
- Perhaps seeing the anniversary as the top of the titanic market , the salvage company itself is looking to cash out .
- 他后来告诉打捞专家,手工制作的736千瓦发动机在熄火前,发出大约15分钟像舷外引擎似的咯咯声。
- He later told salvage experts that the hand-made 736kw engine gurgled like an outboard engine for about 15 minutes before dying .
- 当pich幸灾乐祸地观望的时候,唯德金和hrter最后一次孤注一掷地试图从他们的计划残骸里抢救出什么来。
- As mr pich gloated , mr wiedeking and mr hrter made a last desperate attempt to salvage something from the wreckage of their plans .
- 救援将会是一张空白支票。
- A rescue would be a blank cheque .
- 实施救援必须尽快做4件事。
- A rescue must do four things fast .
- 任何救助都是一种平衡。
- Any rescue is a balance .