- 马斯达的每个方面都经过规划。
- Every aspect of masdar has been designed .
- 我们希望去理解每一个方面。
- We wanted to understand every aspect .
- 自我发展的每个方面都要求改变行为。
- Every self improvement aspect requires change in behaviour .
- 在贷款方面也存在可能性。
- The debt side also has possibilities .
- 一方面是收购背后的经济逻辑。
- On one side is economic logic .
- 他们的女儿就站在他们边上。
- Their daughter stood by their side .
- 达沃斯在这方面并不是唯一的。
- Davos is not unique in this respect .
- 他是一个我们都尊敬的人。
- He is a man that we all respect .
- 西班牙人对他们的政客们失去了尊敬。
- Spaniards have lost respect for their politicians .
- 为了午餐而进行一场野外旅行。
- Take a field trip for lunch .
- 该领域必须进行根本性变革。
- The field must be revamped fundamentally .
- 神经科学是一个派别林立的领域。
- Neuroscience is a splintered field .