- 奇特之处:这是一栋引人注目的环形建筑,最大周长只比它的高度少了2米。
- How it 's strange : the building 's roundness is striking ; its maximum circumference is only two meters less than its height .
- 先前的研究也已经证明了自闭症儿童大脑的“过度生长”,但这些研究都是关于大脑圆周的测量或磁共振成像,专家说。
- Prior research has also documented " brain overgrowth " in autistic children , but those studies were done by measuring brain circumference or mris , experts said .
- 世界上最大的科学实验大型强子对撞机(lhc)建在日内瓦外的一个圆形隧道,周长27千米。
- The lhc , the world 's biggest scientific experiment , has been built just outside geneva in a circular tunnel with a circumference of 27km .