- 这样,能使局部血管扩张,末稍神经兴奋,血液循环加快,新陈代谢增强。
- In this way , can make local blood vessels to dilate , peripheral nerve excitability , accelerate blood circulation , strengthen the new supersedes the old .
- 细胞都有新陈代谢的过程,即老细胞老化死去,新细胞分化生成。
- Cells are the new supersedes the old . Process , namely the old aging cells die , new generative cell differentiation .
- 抗日战争时期的传奇杂剧是民族危难之中、新旧文学交替之际一个值得注意的创作现象。
- The legendary za opera of anti-japanese war time is a creation phenomenon , which is worthy of notice , when there is the national crisis and when the new literature supersedes the old one .