- 因为如此,初学者希望能够快速的尝试并且得到反馈。
- Because of this the novice wants frequent quick wins and regular feedback .
- 对于初学者来说,这个问题似乎难以解答。
- To the novice , this question seems impossible to approach .
- 此软件非常简单,即使是像我这样的初学者也可以制作一张几乎能以假乱真的照片。
- It 's easy enough that even a novice user like me is able to make a pretty convincing image .
- 你让第一天上班的菜鸟来负责这件事?
- You put a first-day rookie on that ?
- 这个新来的菜鸟非常勇敢的挑战这个老鸟。
- The rookie boldly challenged the veteran .
- 胜利改变了那种看法,也改变了新秀们的看法。
- Winning changes that perception , including rookie survey results .
- 新手跑步者项目是为鼓励人们养成新的跑步习惯而建立的。
- This beginner running program is designed to encourage a new running habit .
- 攀岩十六年之后我仍然觉得自己是个初学者,这种感觉很棒。
- It is great after 16 years of climbing to feel like a beginner .
- 如果你不是专业摄影师,或者只是一位新手,都没有什么关系。
- It doesn 't matter if you 're a pro or just a beginner at photography .